Carnage is certainly not a key character in the Universe of the Marvel superheroes and among the many enemies of Spider-Man he only appeared in relatively recent times (at the beginning of Nineties). Nevertheless, its horrible appearance, very similar to Venom (from which he originates), his particularly bright colors and the undeniable charm of his psychotic bloodthirsty thirst (his name speaks for itself!) make him the ideal character for a statue of great appeal and aesthetic impact. This comiquette was released in 2010, with an edition size limited to 1000 copies for the regular version and 550 for the exclusive (containing an Art Print by Ariel Olivetti). The statue was realized by the same team of author of the Venom comiquette, including Ariel Olivetti, Martin Canale and his Gore Group, Mike Najera, Anthony Mestas. The piece has a size of approximately 36 x 32 cm, a height of 46 cm and a weight of 4.54 Kg. Also in this case, the overall quality is really great and Sideshow was able to depict the (not easy) features of the character in a perfect way. The physique is muscular and slim, as in many tables of Comics, with a much more "fibrous look" with respect to Venom. This relevant feature is pointed out by an incredible sculpt and exhalted by a bright red painting, permeated by a lot of glossy-black filaments everywhere. The pose is dynamic and highlights Carnage's ability to model his simbionte propagations at will, in particular by choosing deadly weapons. In fact, the left hand has the shape of a monstrous caliper consisting of four long claws, while the end of th right arm, bent in front of the body, seems to assume the semblance of a terrifying mannaia, which to settle some mortal blow with! The body is characterized by many filaments (whose mounting on figure is made by magnets and is not simple!), which give a very clear idea of the main features and monstrous capacities of this Spidey's shapeshifter enemy. The face shows monstrous black and sharp teeth, white eyes with irregular contours and a great pink tone inside the mouth. The base is very similar to that of Venom comiquette: a complex geometric cornice, rich of rungs with clear-cut contours and exhibiting the logo of J. J. Jameson's daily newspaper. In essence, a disquieting, top-quality statue of great charm, constituting with the comiquettes od Spider-Man and Venom, an amazing, huge diorama.